
Walrus | Gentle Giant, Spirit Guide, Medicine Man

Walrus | Gentle Giant, Spirit Guide, Medicine Man

He may not have the prettiest skin in the world, but Walrus wants you to know it’s really thick. Which comes in mighty handy in today’s harsh climate. Walrus knows...

Walrus | Gentle Giant, Spirit Guide, Medicine Man

He may not have the prettiest skin in the world, but Walrus wants you to know it’s really thick. Which comes in mighty handy in today’s harsh climate. Walrus knows...

Hedgehog spirit animal hibernates

Life Lessons from Hedgehog

It’s been a rough year for Hedgehog. While she doesn’t keep her ear to the news, she’s got her belly to the ground. In contact with Gaia, listening to her...

Life Lessons from Hedgehog

It’s been a rough year for Hedgehog. While she doesn’t keep her ear to the news, she’s got her belly to the ground. In contact with Gaia, listening to her...

Penguin Spirit Animal guides us to an understanding of how we survive as a species.

Penguin has something to say

Penguin has something to say. When I woke one morning, this was in my ear: What does it mean to be in community? What does it mean to serve the...

Penguin has something to say

Penguin has something to say. When I woke one morning, this was in my ear: What does it mean to be in community? What does it mean to serve the...

Thanksgiving Gift

Thanksgiving Gift

Every year a stuffed and perfectly roasted turkey magically arrived at our house early Thanksgiving morning. I never knew why until my father’s passing when a priest mentioned it at...

Thanksgiving Gift

Every year a stuffed and perfectly roasted turkey magically arrived at our house early Thanksgiving morning. I never knew why until my father’s passing when a priest mentioned it at...

From the Mayan Temple to Your Thanksgiving Table

From the Mayan Temple to Your Thanksgiving Table

When you sit down at your table on Thanksgiving, with or without a turkey, did you know that reverberating in the background are thousands of years of humans honoring this...

From the Mayan Temple to Your Thanksgiving Table

When you sit down at your table on Thanksgiving, with or without a turkey, did you know that reverberating in the background are thousands of years of humans honoring this...

RIP | Lola

RIP | Lola

Lola was completely at peace. No struggle, no fear. By my side. As we carried her out to the car, the crows were back. At least a dozen of them....

RIP | Lola

Lola was completely at peace. No struggle, no fear. By my side. As we carried her out to the car, the crows were back. At least a dozen of them....