RIP | Lola

RIP | Lola

November 2, 2009 - September 17, 2024

Since I wrote of Lola’s life so recently, I want to share her passing. She was a lovely, lovely animal, with a deep soul. Her passing brought full circle the story I told of her relationship to Crow.

I’ve been keeping an eye on her for a good while. Watching for signs that she was ready to go. Always wanting one more day. Knowing I would never be ready. Knowing, too, that I wanted her to go in peace when it came. I told myself the crows would let me know.

Sunday last week, two days before the eclipse, on our nightly walk, when I rounded the corner next to our house, I saw a line of crows perched on the rooftops of the houses running down both sides of the street. Like silent sentries. As we passed them, they flew ahead, perching again in front of us. Ever the messengers.

I went to bed, planning to call Lap-of-Love, to bring the vet to help us through her last journey. But when Lola woke up on Monday morning, she was perky and nudged me to go for a walk. I let her choose the direction. She chose the park. The long walk. We stopped to watch the schoolchildren playing in the schoolyard. We came across a young family who came with their new puppy—the mirror image of Lola when she was new. They sniffed each other while I chatted with the family about their dog. It was a lovely walk. Maybe the crows were wrong, I hoped. Maybe we had more time.

Later that night, I noticed Lola was having trouble with her hind legs. Maybe we’d done too much. But by morning, she struggled to pull herself up to go to the yard to do her business. When she came back, it was clear, this was the end. I could not let her struggle that way. I should know better than to question the crows. I made the call.

I want to thank Dr. Donnalee who was so gentle and kind. Lola was completely at peace. No struggle, no fear. By my side. As we carried her out to the car, the crows were back. At least a dozen of them. Perched on the rooftops, as if an honor guard. Ending as they began. Connected in some mysterious way.

Godspeed, Lola. Godspeed.

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